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Amazon Açaí

Curiosities about the history of açaí and its role in the local culture of the Amapá State.

Açaí is an Amazonian fruit that has been consumed for centuries by indigenous peoples of the region. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a unique flavor, which has made it popular worldwide.

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History of Açaí

It is believed that açaí originated in the Amazon region about 10,000 years ago. Indigenous peoples of the Amazon domesticated açaí and used it for food, medicine, and construction.

Açaí was an important food source for indigenous peoples of the Amazon. The fruit was consumed fresh, fermented, or cooked. Açaí was also used to treat diseases such as diarrhea and fever.

Açaí in Amapá

Amapá is a state located in the northern region of Brazil. The state is bordered by the Amazon River and is known for its Amazon rainforest.

Açaí is a very popular fruit in Amapá. The fruit is consumed daily by a large part of the population. Açaí is served plain, with tapioca flour, or with other ingredients such as banana, granola, or guarana.

Açaí is an important crop for the economy of the Amazon. The fruit is exported to various countries, and açaí cultivation is a source of income for thousands of families in the region.

Data on Açaí Cultivation in the Amazon

According to data from the National Supply Company (CONAB), açaí production in Brazil was 1.7 million tons in 2020. Pará is the state responsible for 95% of national production, followed by Amazonas, Amapá, and Tocantins.

Açaí cultivation is carried out on an area of ​​about 212,000 hectares in the Amazon. Most of the production is aimed at domestic consumption, but açaí is also exported to various countries, such as the United States, Europe, and China.

Açaí is an important crop for the economy of the Amazon. The fruit is a source of income for thousands of families in the region and also contributes to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.